The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it. (Proverbs 10: 22)

Date Prayer Subjects
13/06 Internal Audit Department
Internal Audit Director : Ms Agnes Ng
1. Pray that our department can recruit a suitable candidate who can have additional value to the Army.
2. Pray that we have the wisdom from God to carry out our duties and responsibilities.
14/06 Kowloon Central Corps
Corps Officer: Captain Joyce Lam
1. Two evangelistic activities ‘Summer Bible Study Class for Primary School Students’ and ‘Youth Camp for Secondary School Students’ will be held in summer. May God prepare the people to serve and the newly joined families.
2. Some families will emigrate and some young soldiers will study overseas. Pray that God will guide them in their new life. Keep the hearts of believers who will stay and pray that they will continue to serve the Lord.
15/06 Tin Hau Family Store
Senior Store Manager:Ms. Erica Lo
1. Pray that the pandemic will end soon and we will resume to normal life.
2. Pray for the happy life and good health of our colleagues.
Indonesia Territory
TC: Colonel Yusak Tampai
CS: Lt-Col Cedric Hills
Officers 901(A759/ R142) Aux-Capts 27 Corps 288 Cadets 68
Sr Soldiers 47,892 Jr Soldiers 6,721 Adherents15,050
1. We thank God for answering our prayers towards challenges in performing our ministries in the territory.
Pray for the visit of the International Secretary and ZPWM for SPEA, Commissioners Wayne and Robyn Maxwell in August 2022; including the activities that will take place while they are in Indonesia.
Pray for the changes of method in the Education and Training for the Cadets which will begin in the middle of this year. The second year Cadets will undergo a year of practice outside the Training College. Hoping the changes will bring a good impact on the Cadets during their education and training period.
Pray for the Principal of the Training College, the Staff and Officers, who will accept the Cadets in practice since they are very influential in supervising and responsible for preparing the Cadets to become Officers.
Pray for the development of The Salvation Army ministries in eastern Indonesia.
Pray for the Officers and Salvationists to continue echoing the importance of living in holiness and being able to apply it in the ministry and family.
17/06 Hoi Tai Residence for Senior Citizens
Service Supervisor: Ms. Venus Ho
1. May God keep our staff in good health and grant us wisdom and strength to overcome the difficulties and challenges under the pandemic.
2. Pray for our service users and their families. May God’s grace and peace be with them and keep them safe and healthy under the pandemic.