‘’Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”(Acts 4:12)

Date Prayer Subjects
25/04 Executive Office
OC : Lieut-Colonel Bob Lee
GS : Major Minny Chan
1. Pray for all our officers, staff, soldiers and volunteers. May God strengthen and protect them all as they serve faithfully in The Salvation Army in this challenging time of pandemic. Pray also for all our students, service users and their families. May God protect them and keep them safe and healthy. We pray that God’s healing grace come upon those who are sick so that they will recover soon.
2. We ask God for His mercy in Hong Kong and stop the spreading of the COVID. Let us cast our anxiety onto Him because He cares for us. May God’s peace fill our hearts.
26/04 Tung Chung Corps
Corps Officer: Major Tommy Chan
Associate Corps Officer: Major Helina Chan
1. Pray for Tung Chung Corps and Lam Butt Chung Memorial School. We will help each other and stay peace with the Lord.
2. Pray for the brothers and sisters that they will have wisdom to express their trust and care under the Group Gathering Restriction.
27/04 Ann Wyllie Memorial School
Head: Mr. Victor Ma
1. Pray for the health of all teachers and students, parents, school managers and all those who serve the school during the pandemic. May the Lord protect them so that everyone can get through the difficulties peacefully.
2. Pray that all measures and plans implemented by the school during the pandemic will be operated smoothly and effectively.
Eastern Europe Territory
TC: Colonel Kelvin Pethybridge
CS: Lt-Colonel Richard Borrett 
Officers 91(A78/R13) Corps 35 Outposts 3
Sr Soldiers 1,236 Jr Soldiers 291 Adherents 844
1. The Strategic Mission Plan theme for the Territory is Faith and Courage, based on Joshua 1:9.  Pray that all that happens in EET will be underpinned by this and that the Salvationists of the Territory will desire to be people of Faith and Courage.
2. Praise is given for the continued opening of doors for the ministry in Bulgaria.  Pray for the team as they discern God’s direction for ministries in that country.
3. Pray for peace, unity, wisdom and protection for people who are in places of unrest within the Territory.
29/04 Senior Citizens Talent Advancement Project Tung Tau Centre
Project in Charge : Ms. Anita Chu
1. Pray for good health and strong mind of the staff under the pandemic.
2. Pray that the operation and online course can be continued under the pandemic. The retired people and the senior can keep learning and stay connected with the community.