Date Prayer Topics
21/10 Trade Department
Supply and Purchasing Officer: Mr. Rico Lai
Prayer Requests:
1. May God grant wisdom to satisfy the needs of TSA
2. Use us as a channel to show God’s provision.
22/10 Tung Chung Corps
Corps Officer: Captain Winnie Keung
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that all soldiers of our corps will be unified to serve God. May God empower us and strengthen the hearts of our comrades.
2. Pray for the development of the corps’ youth ministry. May God grant teachers strength and wisdom so they will have a clear direction and accompany the youth as they grow.
23/10 Yau Tsim Integrated Home Care Service Team
Assistant Service Supervisor: Ms. Chu Pui Shan
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for our service users that they will be cared for physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually, and have peace in God.
2. Please pray for our colleagues that they can make the best of their talents to care for the elderly and families in need in the community. May God bless our colleagues and their families with health.
Zambia Territory
TC: Colonel Alfred Banda
CS: Lieut-Colonel Ireen Hachamba
Officers 304 (active 235/ retired 69) Envoys 359 Cadets 23 Employees 239
Corps 156 Outposts 286 Senior Soldiers 30,883 Adherents 1,547 Junior Soldiers 12,656Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for God’s provision and sustaining grace during the current drought in Zambia and that ministries of The Salvation Army will continue to meet increasing individual and community needs. Pray for a good rainy season to resolve the national hydro-energy crisis. Pray for wisdom for government officials to manage this challenging situation to minimize loss of life due to malnutrition.
2. Pray for the spiritual growth of salvationists and that the mission will expand to areas of Zambia where there is no Army presence.
3. Pray for the financial sustainability of the territory.
4. Pray for the social ministries of the territory, including the Chikankata Mission, Mitanda Home for the Aged, and various health services, schools, pre-school groups, community work, and community development projects in the country.
5. Pray that officers and salvationists will be ‘Mobilized to take part in Building a Vibrant Modern Territory, Obedient to God and Relevant in the 21st Century’, the theme of the new Territorial Strategic Plan 2024-2028.
6. Pray for the Officer Training College staff, the newly commissioned officers of the Defenders of Justice session and the accepted candidates for the next session in January 2025.
25/10 Lung Hang Children and Youth Centre
Assistant Service Supervisor : Ms. Abe Tsang
Prayer Requests:
1. May God bless each colleague of our Centre with physical and spiritual health, peace, and joy.
2. May God protect children, youth, and parents who we serve that they can gain physical, mental, and spiritual strength and enjoy their gains at our Centre.