‘’walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.’’ (Ephesisian 5:2)

Date Prayer Subjects
25/10 Social Services Department
Social Services Director: Ms. Perina Li
1. Thank God for His keeping and guidance. Despite the various challenges brought by the pandemic, we give thanks to the Lord for colleagues of Social Services Department have braved the challenges with positive attitude and continued to take care and care for our clients.
2. May the Lord grant our colleagues wisdom and strength to know the needs of our clients, that we may continue to provide relevant quality service to those in need in one accord according to His will, and share with them God’s love and presence.
3. Pray for our colleagues, service users and their families. Pray that they have good health in their body, mind and soul. Whatever situations they face, pray that they have gratitude and hope in their minds.
26/10 Kowloon East Corps
Corps Officer: Captain Billy Lam
1. Pray for the Corps’ mission in its local community. May God grant us His heavenly wisdom, so that we can see the direction of the Corps’ services clearly. May He also revive our enthusiasm of serving others, bringing blessings to the community together.
2. Pray for the recruitment of ministry coordinator and janitor of the Corps. May God call upon and select suitable persons to His service.
27/10 Fu Keung Kindergarten
Headmistress: Ms. Lam Ying Kwan
1. We hope that the new students can adapt to the new school as soon as possible.
2. We hope that the new teachers can integrate into the team as soon as possible.
India South Western Territory
TC: Colonel Gabriel Christian
CS: Lt.-Colonel Joginder Masih
Officers 658(A298/R360) Corps 307 Cadets 9
Sr Soldiers 24,871 Jr Soldiers 2,161
1. The infection of Coronavirus is escalating in the state of Kerala and officers become victims of this virus, which slowed down the work.
2. Most of the Salvationists lose their jobs during this pandemic, and it can be a challenging time during Self-Denial offering in November and December.
3. The territory wants to utilise the space of Kulathummel, Medical Centre, Kattakada, into a hospice Centre to serve the elderly after post covid care is over.
4. We lost an active officer Major Joy in the Kangazha Medical Centre and the comfort of the entire family and his wife.
5. Children below 10 years need prayers to prevent them from infection.
6. Officers’ physical health as some active and retired officers are facing cardiac complication and advised to undergo surgery.
7. Territory needs more candidates for officer training to be placed in un-officered corps and corps commanded by retired officers.
29/10 Ping Tin Small Group Homes
Home PIC : Ms. Cherry Wong
1. Pray for peace and good health for the staff and children under the pandemic of Covid-19.
2. In the new school year, may God bless and grant our children passion and wisdom for learning and overcoming all the challenges.