Prayer details November 2020
Date | Prayer Topics |
16/11 |
Internal Audit
Internal Audit Manager: Ms. Agnes, Ng Wai Yin
1. May God let our department have wisdom to identify risk/findings for the Organisation.
2. May God bless and keep us within his kingdom and perform the work that he set for our department.
17/11 |
Kowloon Central Corps
Corps Officer: Captain Joyce, Lam Lee Noi Yan
1. Pray for Captain Joyce Lee, our Corps Officer newly appointed this October. May God’s grace be with her, guiding her and Local Officers, brothers and sisters of the Corps to follow God’s footsteps and fervent in evangelism.
2. Pray for all the fellowships, meetings and various pastoral care works that are still being suspended. May God grant the Corps Officer and Local Officers wisdom to cope with all the changes and adjustment of pastoral work. Pray that God will encourage brothers and sisters to keep their hearts for evangelism in difficult times.
3. Pray for the Corps’ 70th anniversary celebration in 2021. Themed ‘Connect to Christ Pass on the Torch’, may fellow brothers and sisters connect our lives with God as we move forward in His teachings.
18/11 |
Chan Kwan Tung Kindergarten
Head: Ms. Mak Miu Ling
1. May God lead the school for resume classes smoothly so that all staffs, children and parents will have good health.
2. May God let more parents know and agree with our school’s educational philosophy and increase the number of students for enrollment.
19/11 |
Democratic Republic of Congo Territory
TC: Colonel Daniel Moukoko
CS: Colonel Innocent Kwenda
Officers (A348/R105) Corps 195 Cadets 40
Sr Soldiers 33,193 Jr Soldiers 19,457
1. Pray specifically for the provinces in the North and East of DRC where there is conflict resulting in many families being displaced. These provinces are prone to Ebola.
2. Pray for the DRC and the region as a whole, which has suffered from conflict and instability over many years – pray for the wisdom and resolve of leaders, and the international community in dealing with this crisis. The crisis has affected the economy of the country and there is a huge need to assist the nation with food aid.
3. Pray for church leaders and workers of all denominations, leaders of civil society, health and aid workers, and the Salvation Army Officers who work in hugely challenging and often dangerous circumstances. Pray for wisdom and strength as they minister and respond to needs.
4. Pray for an end to the widespread sexual violence in the DRC, and specifically for young girls. Pray for the Salvation Army in the DRC to take the lead in changing the culture of violence against women.
5. Pray for spiritual growth of all Salvationists and that they will be good stewards of God given resources.
20/11 |
Heng On Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service
Managers: Mr. Wally, Lai Kam Pui, & Mr. Leo, Tai Chun Ho
1. When our service is resumed as the pandemic eases, pray that our trainees may soon get back to their normal routines and training. May God grant them good health and a sound mind.
2. The pandemic has made it hard to launch two new kinds of training as planned. Pray that it will soon come to an end so that our coworkers can explore and implement more trainings for our trainees.