Date Prayer Subject
18/01 Business and Administration Department
Senior Director for Business and Administration: Mr. Alex, Wong Ho Ming
1. Pray for all of you that the coronavirus pandemic will come to an end soon.
2. Pray for our staff and their families to be strengthened in peace and comfort.
3. Give thanks for the wonderful initiatives our staff are displaying during difficult times.
19/01 Tung Chung Corps
Corps Officer: Major Alfred Wong Yuk Fat
Assistant Corps Officer: Major Agatha Wong Lai Hung Kui
1. In 2021, many Junior Soldiers of the Corps have promoted to Secondary 1, and some young people are sitting for the coming DSE. As these young people are moving towards a different stage of life, it implies that the Corps is also expecting some changes. Pray for God’s grace and help as we are going through changes. Pray that there is holistic service among the Corps, school, kindergarten and family support centre, bringing the Good News to the community!
2. The Corps’ theme for 2021 is ‘Life Changes Life’, the emphasis is that when life changes it will be a living testimony, and a transformed life will spread the gospel. May our Heavenly Father bless all fellow Soldiers, that our heavenly life will grow and be a witness of His glory, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ!
20/01 Jat Min Nursery School
Head: Ms. Chau Ka Yin
1. Under the pandemic, the School is facing many new challenges, e.g. changes of mode of teaching, parents’ requests, etc. Pray that God will guide us and keep our teachers in good health in their body, mind and soul to cope with the challenges at work.
2. As the pandemic persists, some parents may be losing their jobs or having reduced work hours, resulting in pressure in the family’s finance. May God help and comfort these families. Pray that the parents will receive His grace in adversities, and that God will keep the young children in good health.
Latin America North Territory
TC: Commissioner Merle Heatwole
CS: Lt.-Colonel Agripina Gõchez
Officers 184(A162/R22) Corps 66 Cadets 26
Sr Soldiers 4,488 Jr Soldiers 2,411
1. Pray for opening of new ministries across the territory in the midst of the pandemic.
2. Pray for the spiritual life of the children of officers.
3. Pray for the emotional and spiritual health of officers.
4. Pray for the sustainability of the income generating projects that we have across the territory. The pandemic has closed many of them down. We pray that we can continue to sustain the territory while waiting for the income generating projects to be open and working again.
5. Pray for men and women, boys and girls to be won to the Kingdom of God.
6. Pray for the new Lieutenants who arrived at their new appointments on January 3. Many of them are now living in different countries from their families and support systems and their appointments are in very rural areas.
7. Pray for wisdom for the new Territorial Leadership Team.
22/01 Bradbury Home of Loving Kindness
Service Supervisor: Ms. Chu Suk Wah
1. Pray for our service users and their families. May God’s love cover them. May His love and peace be in their hearts. They may not see each other because of the pandemic, but their love for each other never dies. May the love of the Heavenly Father tie the family together.
2. Pray for all colleagues of the units and teams in our cluster. May we all have God-given wisdom and strength, and love and care to handle various ministries and services.