and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. (Mark10:44)

Date Prayer Subjects
24/07 Design and Media Department
Secretary for Business Administration: Major Alice Law
1. As we collaborate with other departments in their different events, we learned from previous experience that from June 2023 to March 2024 would be our peak season. May God bless us with wisdom and creativity so that we can persist in spreading The Salvation Army’s convictions with our innovative designs in the events and different communities so more people will get to know the Army.
2. We are recruiting one staff for the department. May God prepare an appropriate candidate for us.
25/07 Tsuen Kwai Corps
Corps Officer: Major Peter Cho
1. Please pray for the resumption of our Corps’ summer events. May God bless our teachers’ bodies, minds, and souls, and give them strength and joyful hearts.
2. As we resume normal, please pray for the Corps’ gatherings and activities so that the Corps Officer and soldiers will be united to care for one another spiritually.
3. May God grant the Corps wisdom so we can commence more pastoral care and evangelistic ministries in our units. 。
26/07 Sai Wan Ho Family Store
Store Manager: Ms. Dorothy Ho 
1. Pray that our colleagues would enjoy work and be safe at work every day.
2. Pray that we will have God’s blessing every day.
India Northern Territory
TC: Colonel Chawnghlut Vanlalfela
CS: Lt.-Colonel Jashwant Mahida
Officers 499 (A398 / R101) Envoys 3
Corps 171 Sr Soldiers 72,537 Jr Soldiers 4,506 Adherents 3,288
1. Pray for the spiritual growth of our people.
2. Pray for our cadets, Training College, principal, and Staff.
3. Pray for Territorial sustainability and self-reliance.
28/07 Shaukeiwan Community Day Rehabilitation Service
Service Supervisor: Ms. Kian Ching
1. Pray that God will bless all our colleagues to have healthy bodies, minds, and soul, so they can take care of themselves and their families and have the ability to handle their work every day.
2. Pray that the Shaukeiwan and Tak Tin Rehabilitation Service can recruit appropriate colleagues as soon as possible.