“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

Date Prayer Subjects
24/04 Property Department
Senior Project Manager: Mr. Victor Ng
1. Pray for the safety and health for all of the staff and their families.
2. Pray for wisdom for PD to handle the complexities of property maintenance and management.
25/04 William Booth Corps
Corps Officer: Major Bruce Tam
1. Please pray for the 40th anniversary of the William Booth Corps.
2. Please pray for our Corps ‘One-for-one’  evangelistic movement.
3. Please pray for our activities in the William Booth Secondary School – ‘Students’ Bible Study’ and ‘Students’ Prayer Time’. (Both activities are held during lunch hours.)
26/04 Ann Wyllie Memorial School
Head:Mr. Victor Ma
1. Students, parents and teachers have healthy life and happy school life during the unstable pandemic situation.
2. The school is working to prepare for the coming event – the school 35th Anniversary ceremony. It will be held in the morning on 28th April,2023.
Angola Territory
TC: Lt.-Colonel Stephen Malins
CS: Major Sérgio Nsumbu
Officers 65 (A51/ R14) Envoy 2 Corps 37 Cadets 4
Sr. Soldiers 4,591 Jr. Soldiers 962 Adherents 158
1. That the Territory will ‘Rise’ in effective prayer.
2. That the Territory will ‘Rise’ in service, ministry, social commitments and seizing opportunities to make disciples.
28/04 Yue Wan Boy’s Hostel
Service Supervisor: Ms. Catherine Mak
1. Pray for the boys who would take the DSE (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examation) soon. Bless they would have good health, faith, and wisdom throughout the whole examination period.
2. Pray for the families of the boys especially the parents with mentally illness. May God cues their illness and free them from the sufferings. May God gives strength to the families to go through the hardships and be reunited in near future.