But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. (Psalm 86: 15)

Date Prayer Subjects
30/05 Information and Technology Department
Information Technology Director:Mr. Jacob Chik
1. Pray for good health on our IT staff and their family members.
2.We pray for God’s wisdom and protection as we support the Command’s IT systems for the mission of the Army.
31/05 Wan Chai Corps
Corps Officer : Captain Gideon Yue
Associate Corps Officer : Captain Alice Yue
1. Pray for the redevelopment project of Wanchai Corps in the future. May God guide us in the path ahead.
2. Keep the hearts of our brothers and sisters, that they will remain faithful and rely on God despite the uncertainties, trusting that God will prepare the best for us.