Date Prayer Topics
15/07 Divisional Headquarters
Divisional Commander: Major KW Chan
Prayer Requests:
1. May God be with us, that the Holy Spirit will bless our Junior Soldiers, Corps Cadets, and Youth Leaders to have a deeper relationships with God and prepare more diverse activities/spiritual training for God’s soldiers , and fight to win more lost souls for God.
2. Pray that soldiers of our Corps will be united with their officers, be Christ-centred, be willing to go further , and be always available, believing the Holy Spirit is working in their lives and serving others in the communities with God’s unconditional love.
3. May God bring new opportunities and inspire our corps leaders to minister in this crooked and depraved world, and to unleash out-of-the box ideas.
16/07 English Speaking Corps
Corps Officer: Captain Cecilia Codoy
Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray that God will grant English Speaking Corps an opportunities and resources to look for a place to abode.
2. Continue to pray for the existing ministries of English Speaking Corps while we are looking forward to have a new place of worship and that the provision becomes an opportunity to flourish and bring more souls to Jesus.
17/07 Sai Wan Ho family Store
Store Manager: Ms. Dorothy Ho
Prayer Requests:
May God grant our colleagues with health and enjoyable works, watch over our family members, and bless them with health and joy.
India Eastern Territory 
TC: Colonel Chawnghlut Vanlalfela 
CS: Lieut-Colonel Andrews Christian
Officers 400 (active 293/ retired 107) Aux-Capts 13Cadets 18 Employees 171
Corps 247 Outposts and Societies 188 Senior Soldiers 41,829
Adherents 11 Junior Soldiers 10,678
Prayer requests:
1. The new officer training session which commenced on 1st July 2024 for eight cadets.
2. The Officers’ Council & Brengle Institute, which are going to be held in the month of September with the support of USA Southern Territory.
3. The divisional reviews which will take place in the month of August 2024.
4. All the institutions and corps programmes, especially children’s homes.
5. Financial sustainability of the territory. our retired and active officers.
6. Our people’s spiritual growth.
19/07 Wan Chui Home for Boys
Superintendent: Ms. Kan Wing Yin, Sonya
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray that God will lead and watch over the colleagues of our unit, that we can watch over and help each other, have physical, mental, and spiritual health, and care for teenagers in need with wisdom.
2. May God protect the body, mind, and soul of the teenagers in our home so they can grow healthily.