Date Prayer Topics
03/06 Business Administration Department
Secretary for Business Administration: Major Glenn Price
Prayer Requests:
1. Financial Stewardship: Please pray for wisdom in managing financial resources. May decisions always align with the mission of The Salvation Army, ensuring that funds are used effectively for the benefit of others.
2. Innovation and Adaptability: Pray that the team remains open to new ideas and approaches. May they adapt to changing circumstances, embrace technology, and find innovative solutions to challenges. May their work contribute to the growth and sustainability of The Salvation Army’s programs and services.
3. Collaboration with Other Teams: Pray for collaboration and synergy between the Business Administration Team and other departments within The Salvation Army. May they work together seamlessly, supporting each other’s efforts and advancing the organisation’s mission.
Health and Well-Being: Pray for the physical and mental well-being of team members. May they find balance in their work, take care of their health, and support one another during busy or stressful times.
04/06 Tai Po Corps/ Queen’s Hill Outpost
Corps Officer: Major Winnie Keung
Assistant Corps Officer: Lt Patrick Ho
Prayer Requests:
1. Since last October, Taipo Corps and Queen’s Hill Outpost have been conducting Sunday Services together at the Centaline Charity Fund Queen’s Hill School. We are grateful for the faithful service of Taipo Corps’ soldiers. For the sake of the outpost’s growth and development in the future, may God raise up more soldiers who are willing to work with us and respond to God’s calling in Queen’s Hill.
2. Taipo Corps has restarted its group meetings and women’s ministry fellowship in Reve Plaza. May God use these gatherings to deepen pastoral care for the congregation so that they can grow together spiritually.
3. Recently, because of the effort of the welcoming parties, new friends have come to the outpost and some previous friends from Taipo Corps have also come to worship at Queen’s Hill. May God bless our corps and the hearts of all who come to worship.
05/06 Aberdeen Family Store
Store Manager: Ms. Bonnie Lam
Prayer Request:
Please pray that God will protect us so that we will have peace and health every day and be able to enjoy our work.
UK & Ireland Territory
TC: Commissioner Paul Main
CS: Colonel Peter Forrest
Officers 2,175 (Active 925, Retired 1,250) Envoys 68 Cadets 27 Employees 3,783
Corps 622 Societies and Outpost 20 Seniors Soldier 21,152 Adherents 7,799 Junior Soldier 2,589
Prayer Requests:
1. Together24 will take place in Newport, Wales, 12 – 14 July. We pray for this territorial congress which will include the commissioning of new officers and celebrate 150 years of Salvation Army mission and ministry in Wales.
2. We praise God for his faithfulness during the past year of structural change and huge challenges for the territory. We pray that God will continue to lead and inspire us, to call and equip his people to minister in the name of Jesus in every expression of Salvation Army mission.
07/06 Taipo Integrated Service for young people
Person in Charge: Mr. Wong Yan Chak, Brian
Prayer Requests:
1. May God protect the physical and mental health of all our colleagues and bless us with peace and joy.
2. May God protect the children, youth, and parents whom the unit serves so they can have physical, mental, and spiritual health through their involvement in the unit and enjoy what they have gained.