He does not treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to our iniquities. Psalm103:10)

Date Prayer Subjects
06/11 Salvation Army Leadership Training Centre
College of Mission Director: Major Raymond Cho
1. In September term, two Bible courses are in progress on Tuesdays and Thursdays evening. Praying that soldiers learn something.
2. Pray for Major Raymond and assistant Abe Wong. May God grant them wisdom and strength to look after the Library, Resource Centre and Archives.
07/11 Tseung Kwan O Corps
Corps Officer : Major Norris Cheung
1. Please pray for the chaplaincy ministry of our Corps. May God bless us with grace so more brothers and sisters can experience Jesus’ salvation through the ministry. Please pray also that brothers and sisters will serve God more for His evangelistic ministry.
2. Please remember in prayer the serving team of the Tseung Kwan O Corps. May God bless us with wisdom to strategize for the future.
08/11 Rosita Yuen Kindergarten
Headmistress : Ms. Ng Hoi Yan
1. Please pray for the Open day (21/10) and interview day (4/11) of RYKG.
2. Please pray for the health of our staff.
India Western Territory
TC: Commissioner Daniel Raju Dasari
CS: Lt.-Colonel Zothanmawia Khiangte
Officers 642 (A404 / R238) Cadets 19 Corps 276 Outposts 275
Sr Soldiers 38,376 Jr Soldiers 6,817 Adherents 2,706
Praise for:
1. Praise God for the spiritual life of our people.
2. This year by God’s grace 15 cadets for session of ‘Champions of Mission’ are entered in Officer’s Training college.
Pray for:
1. The theme of the territory is ‘Time to Be holy’ – 1 Pet. 1:16. Every activity and programme is helping others to learn more of holiness. Pray that every soldier and officer will follow the word of God to be Holy.
2. Womens ministry department is conducting seminars for Local Officers and Corps Officers for encouragement and empowering them for fruitful ministry. Pray for the women ministries.
10/11 Palliative Care in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly
Service Supervisor: Ms. Shirley Wong
1. Please pray for the elderly and our colleagues. May everyone be blessed with physical and spiritual health and be filled with joy.
2. The fifth phase of project ‘Golden Adventures’ has just begun.  May God strengthen us and give us confidence to provide quality holistic care and public education regarding life and death to elders and citizens.