We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. (2Thes1:3)

Date Prayer Subjects
09/10 Personnel Department
Secretary for Personnel: Major Connie Ip
1. Please pray for Officers’ physical and spiritual health and that they will have the wisdom and faith to do God’s work.
2. Please pray for more soldiers to listen and respond to God’s calling for officership.
10/10 Melody Corps
Corps Officer : Major Samson Cheung
1. Please pray for Melody Corps’ Corps Officer and our team of local officers. May God strengthen us to plan our ministry for better outreach next year.
2. Please pray for the shared space and the evangelistic work at ToGather. May God works amongst us and raise more brothers and sisters to respond to the needs of evangelism.
11/10 Fu Keung Kindergarten/ Fu Keung Nursery School
Headmistress : Ms. Lam Ying Kwan
1. Please pray that young children who come into our school in September can adapt to school life as soon as possible.
2. Please pray that our new teachers can adapt to the work environment as soon as possible.
3. Please pray for the health of our children and teachers.
New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory
TC: Commissioner Mark Campbell
CS: Colonel Gerald Walker
Officers 531 (A259 / R272) Aux-Capts 2 Envoys 11 Cadets 19 Corps 90 Outposts 18
Sr Soldiers 4,722 Jr Soldiers 830 Adherents 1,444
We thank God
1. For the 130 Children and Youth workers from around the Territory who met for the MORE Conference in July. We believe that this will have a great impact on our ministry to NextGen in the coming years.
2. For our Praying Together initiative which has seen hundreds of people from all over the four nations join online for prayer.
3. For the stories of lives transformed and people coming to faith in Christ Jesus that we hear about each week.
We ask God
1. To do more than we could ever dream or imagine as we partner with him in our three areas of focus:
– Increasing our Mission impact
– Being a great place for People to belong, work, worship and serve
– Long-term Sustainability
2. To take us deeper in our journey with him. For spiritual growth, deeper discipleship, people committing themselves to soldiership and officership.
13/10 Kwong Wah Hospital IDSPHST
Project Manager: Ms. Kwong Chi Wan