But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (IPeter 2:9)

Date Prayer Subjects
11/09 Literary Department
Literary Secretary: Major Raymond Cho
1. Thank the Lord that Chinese translation and proofread for the book ‘Mercy Seat Revisited’ are done. Publication process is underway.
2. Pray for physical health and spiritual wisdom upon our team who is responsible for the translation, proofread and publication of Territorial-wide literature.
12/09 Kowloon Central Corps
Corps Officer: Captain Joyce Lam
Assistant Corps Officer: Lt. Patrick Ho
1. Please pray for the follow-up works of the summer evangelistic ministry. May the Corps continue to follow up and care for the children, youth, and their families who participated in our activities. May they accept the Gospel into their lives and be transformed.
2. We will kickstart a Jireh Fellowship for junior secondary students in September. Please pray for the response and dedication of the leaders, and pray that our youth can be engaged in this work, growing well physically and mentally.
3. Starting in September, the Youth Music Course will recruit new students, there will be children from the community joining this course. May God bless our soldiers with loving hearts to reach out to new families passionately. May God bless these children to grow in faith.
13/09 Yue Wan Family Store
Store Manager : Ms. Annie Yam
1. Please pray that we will have adequate supply of products.
2. Please pray that our colleagues will be healthy and enjoy the work.
Kenya East Territory
TC: Colonel Daniel Kiama
CS: Lt.-Colonel Friday Ayanam
Officers 840 (A766 / R74) Aux-Capts 80 Envoy 97 Cadets 98 Corps 547 Outposts 287
Sr Soldiers 95,975 Jr Soldiers 61,163 Adherents 721
1. Pray for the visit of the General and the World President of Women’s Ministries to Kenya for Centenary celebrations early next year (from February 21st to March 4th2024).
2. Pray for the forthcoming Territorial Harvest Appeal ingathering on 15th October 2023, that God will bless the Territory both financially and spiritually.
3. Pray for political stability in the country of Kenya.
15/09 Hoi Lam Centre for Senior Citizens
Assistant Service Supervisor: Ms. Kerry Ho
1. Please pray for the elderly and our colleagues. May God bless them with peace and health, and grant them strength to solve different problems.
2. May God help us to remain faithful in the face of different circumstances and challenges.