Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant. (2 Samuel 7: 28)

日期 代禱單位
04/09 Internal Audit Department
Internal Audit Manager: Mr. Corwin Kwong
1. Please pray that God will use the Internal Audit Department to assist the Territorial Leaders to perfect the governance, risk management, and internal control system of the Hong Kong and Macau Territory.
2. Please pray that God will walk with us in our work every day.
05/09 Wanchai Corps
Corps Officers: Captains Gideon & Alice Yue
1. We are grateful that God has led Wanchai Corps in the past 75 years. We are now stepping into our 76th year. May God bless our soldiers with sufficient faith. As The Salvation Army Wanchai Youth Hostel project is approaching, we pray that God will provide a suitable transitional meeting place for the Corps. Please pray that God will bless us with hearts to live for Him in the face of the unknown path ahead.
2. We are grateful for God that brothers and sisters of Wanchai Corps continue to fight for God. Please pray for our Corps’ 76th anniversary {A+Live} concert on 2 Oct 2023. May God strengthen those who are willing to serve for the event and to give their best for the concert. May we better understand God’s love through this concert. May God bless us!
06/09 Yaumatei Family Store
Senior Sales : Ms. Law Cho Fai
1. May God bless our colleagues with joy at work and enjoy good health.
2. May God bless the world with peace that there will no longer wars because of personal greeds and the quest for power.
Korea Territory
TC: Commissioner Chang, Man-hee
CS: Colonel Kim, Byung-yoon
Officers 823 (A537 / R286) Aux-Capts 13 Envoys 11 Corps 214 Outposts & societies 12
Sr Soldiers 46,144 Jr Soldiers 14,111 Adherents 4,608
1. We pray for the sufficient supply of personnel resources, material resources and property development for the sustainability of The Salvation Army in Korea.
2. To enhance the value of The Salvation Army in Korea and to recruit new donors, we pray for the development of promotional branding of our identity projects.
3. We have some corps under the construction schemes in connection to the regional development plans. We pray for success and safety of these building construction works.
08/09 Health And Nursing Service
Senior Nursing Officer: Ms. Jessie Chan
1. May our nursing team constantly provide professional and heartily caring services to our users.
A2. s our service users are more and more fragile, increasing the complexity of the care services, pray that we can provide safe and appropriate nursing care. May God protect our service users from accidents.