日期 | 代禱內容 |
16/12 | GLOBAL CHINESE MINISTRY TRAINING CENTRE 全球華人事工訓練中心 GCMTC DIRECTOR : Major Tony Ma YM 全球華人事工訓練中心總監 : 馬揚武少校 |
17/12 | SHATIN CORPS 沙田隊 Corps Officers : Captain Raymond Cho & Captain Tammy Cho 部隊軍官: 曹錦昌上尉及曹譚玉珍上尉 |
18/12 | YAUMATEI FAMILY STORE 油麻地家品店 Store Manager: Ms. Lee Kwan Ying 店舖經理: 李群英女士 |
19/12 | THURSDAY WORLDWIDE PRAYER MEETING 全球祈禱日 AUSTRALIA TERRITORY 澳洲地域 TC: Commissioner Robert Donaldson CS: Colonel Mark Campbell Officers (A877/R836) Corps 310 Cadets 38 Sr Soldiers 13,748 Jr Soldiers 1,929 |
20/12 | TALENT SHOP (Rehab Services & Social Enterprise) 展藝坊 (復康服務及社企) Manager: Mr. Lai Kam Pui, Wally, staff and those benefit from the programme 黎錦沛經理及職員 |