照顧者支援服務中心—家悅軒 Bliss Family Centre - District Carers Support Services
位於九龍土瓜灣美善同道8號城軒一樓一號舖的照顧者支援服務中心—家悅軒已於2024年11月1日正式啟用。中心將會提供照顧者休憩空間(Carer Café)、玩具圖書館(Toys library)、預約臨時兒童照顧服務及一系列家長自我照顧、親子活動,歡迎就讀區內(土瓜灣及啟德)幼稚園家庭使用服務。
Our District Carers Support Services — Bliss Family Centre, located at Shop 1, 1/F, The Uptown, 8 Maidstone Road, To Kwa Wan, KLN, Kowloon, has officially opened on November 1, 2024. The drop-in services include a “carer café” (for relaxation), “toy library” (for carer & child), and “temporary child care service” (requires a reservation). A series of parent self-care and parent-child activities will be available. Kindergartens students and their families in our service boundary (To Kwa Wan and Kai Tak) are welcome.