Tender for Lotteries Fund Project – Purchasing a Vehicle for District Support Centre (Shatin South) (Closing date: 12:00 noon 21st May 2024)

Tender for Lotteries Fund Project – Purchasing a Vehicle for District Support Centre (Shatin South) (Closing date: 12:00 noon 21st May 2024)

(Ref: DSC-PLB_ TSA/SSD/23-24/017)


Dear interested parties,

You are invited to tender for the items described in the enclosed Form of Tender.

Your tender should be submitted in duplicate in a plain sealed envelope (without identifying your company) clearly marked on the outside the following information:

Tender for Lotteries Fund Project – Purchasing a Vehicle for

District Support Centre (Shatin South)”

Closing Date: 21 May 2024 at 12:00 noon

The envelope should be addressed to Chief Secretary, Tender Box No. 4,  G/F, The Salvation Army, 11 Wing Sing Lane, Yaumatei, Hong Kong and be deposited into the said tender box not later than 12:00 noon on 21 May 2024. Late tenders will not be accepted. Your tender shall remain open for 90 days from the above closing date, and you may consider your tender to be unsuccessful if no order is placed with you within these 90 days. You are requested to note that your tender will not be considered unless Part II of the Form of Tender is completed.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this invitation, the Salvation Army reserves the right to disqualify a tenderer in the tender exercise on the grounds that the tenderer has engaged, in engaging, or is reasonably believed to have engaged or be engaging in acts or activities that are likely to constitute or cause the occurrence of offenses endangering national security, or otherwise the disqualification is necessary in the interest of national security, or is necessary to protect the public interest of Hong Kong, public morals, public order or public safety. You shall submit a duly signed and witnessed letter in the form set out in the appendix attached. The signatory to the letter shall be a person authorized to sign contracts/agreements on your behalf. Failure to observe the requirement shall render all related submissions null and void and any such submission shall not be considered.

We kindly request that all communication regarding this tendering be conducted in writing to Ms. Katrina Hui, our Executive Officer via E-mail at Katrina.Hui@hkm.salvationarmy.org


Form of Tender_017 (PDF)

Form of Tender_017 (Word)
