Vocational Rehabilitation Services
1. To explore the vocational training of paid jobs for the disabled persons, to let them develop their working capacity and work habit
2. To promote the rehabilitative work satisfaction and achievement, and to participate open employment ultimately
1. Disabled persons aged 15 or above with work capacity or work potentials
2. Including mentally handicapped persons, ex-mentally ill patients and physically handicapped persons
3. Employers and Management personnel of the Public or Private sectors
1. Vocational Assessments
2. Occupational Therapy Services
3. Open Employment Services
4. Open Employment Counselling
5. Parents Meetings
6. Pre-employment Trainings
7. On-the-Job Trainings
8. Social Enterprise
9. Work Extension Services
10. Religious Activities
11. Arts Craft Creations
12. Outbound Working Team
13. In-house Jobs
14. Counselling & Referring Services
15. Multidimensional Development Activities
16. Home Visits
17. Lunch Arrangements
18. Volunteer Development